The Dangers of Mosquitoes
Protecting Your Squad from Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes are more than just a nuisance—they’re the deadliest animal on the planet. Every year, over one million people worldwide die from mosquito-borne diseases. While the United States may be less aware of their lethality, over 1,000 Americans suffer severe illness or death due to mosquito bites annually.
Quick Facts About Mosquitoes:
- Global Presence: Over 3,000 mosquito species exist worldwide.
- U.S. Population: Over 150 mosquito species inhabit the United States.
- Disease Carriers: Only a small number of species transmit dangerous diseases.
- Biters: Only adult female mosquitoes bite, needing blood for egg production.
- Diet: Mosquitoes also feed on nectar, plant juices, and decaying plant matter.
- Life Stages: Mosquitoes go through four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.
- Water Dependency: Eggs require standing water to hatch into larvae.
- Longevity: Mosquito eggs can survive up to seven years before hatching.
- Reproduction: A single mosquito with a 100% survival rate could produce over one billion descendants in less than a month.
Mosquito-Borne Diseases
- West Nile Virus (WNV): Discovered in Uganda in 1937, WNV has spread globally. Symptoms range from flu-like fevers, headaches, and body aches to more severe conditions like disorientation, muscle weakness, and neck stiffness.
- Encephalitis (EEE): This inflammation of the brain can invade the central nervous system. Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), the most common form, affects both humans and horses.
- Zika Virus: This emerging virus causes fever, skin rash, and conjunctivitis, typically lasting less than a week. There is ongoing research into its connection to birth defects.
- Heartworm: This parasitic roundworm primarily affects dogs, residing in the host’s heart as it grows. It poses a significant threat to canines.
- Malaria: Although eradicated in the U.S. in the 1940s, Malaria continues to claim millions of lives in Africa each year. It is both preventable and treatable. Mosquito Squad supports Malaria No More, a nonprofit aiming to eliminate deaths from malaria.
- Chikungunya: This disease causes fever, joint pain, headaches, rash, and swelling. No vaccine exists currently.
- Yellow Fever: Yellow fever is predominantly found in tropical regions of Africa and South America and is spread through mosquito bites. Symptoms include jaundice, which is reflected in the disease’s name.
Stay informed and take action to keep your squad safe from these pests. Contact our pest control experts today for personalized solutions!